The Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation

β€œ Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever. ”
— Karen Davison
The Kerry Blue Terriers Lovin the Blues .png

Who We Are…

Serving the United States, the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation rescues and fosters Kerry Blues until a new forever family can be found. The Rescue was founded in 2002 and has grown with the support and love of Kerry Blue families all over the world.  Our rescue team is made up of incredible individuals with a passion for Kerry Blues finding their β€˜fur-ever’ family. 

Welcome to the KBTF Community. We are a foundation that is passionate about our Kerry Blues. Kerry’s are funny, smart, headstrong and loyal, and overall happy dogs. We will do whatever it takes to make sure all Kerry’s get to be a Kerry, helping them find loving homes because they are not for everyone. Restoring a Kerry to their original spirit and health is what motivates us.  

If you’d like our mission and goals, we would appreciate your support of our non-profit rescue foundation and become a member today. Membership is free. Donations are welcome.

Support The Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation

Follow Our Kerry Blue Terriers

Receive updates and news about our foundation β€” follow us on our Official Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation (KBTF) Facebook Page

Connect with fellow Kerry Blue Terrier lovers,β€” join us in the Kerry Blue Terrier Den Facebook Group.

Met dank aan de Kerry Blue Terriers van Nederland voor het aansluiten op onze website! Je bent hier altijd welkom!


 β€œA dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any β€œthing” you can ever own.”

Elizabeth Parker

Life With a Kerry Blue Terrier