Adopting or owning a Kerry Blue Terrier is one of the richest experiences in the world. We honor those that have been part of the story. - "Lovin the Blues"
Honor your loved one with a tribute donation in support of the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation. Your generous donation goes directly toward providing care for our Kerries in need.
Sweet Pepper - Kerry Love In Memory.
The Bunnies and Cats Feared Sweet Pepper.
Real Kerry Karacter
Dear Sweet Pepper, [June 3, 2010- September 17, 2021] loved by Don & Jan McQuay (ON), was feared by bunny rabbits and cats. She lead a remarkable life full of fun and adventures which brought laughter and chuckles to her many human friends and admirers. She was a real Kerry Karacter.
From Louise Lang to Jan McQuay with Kerry Love!
Let me tell you how our rescue Kerry Duffy girl rescued me.
I suffer from SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder…
This is what I wrote, 6 months into our rescue of Duffy from Dec of 2017:
“Let me tell you how our rescue Kerry Duffy girl rescued me. I suffer from SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder. I call it the Black Hole of Inability & Dread. Last winter I had a particularly difficult time and only barely clung to sanity by my fingertips with meds and a therapy light and a supportive loving husband sending me daily messages of light and upliftment. Oh, and a demanding calling in my Church.
We got our Duffy girl on last December 8th. (2017) I have been going along functioning as a person, not even realizing how much better my winter has been so far, until I realized the other day that the only difference has been this cheerful adoring sprightly magical naughty stubborn sweet loyal soul that greets me every morning and if I sleep too late paws at my door and whimpers because she wants to see my face and snuggle. There is no drug, no therapy that can match what she has done for me this winter. It is quite surprising and miraculous.
Now an update: We lost out sweetheart Nov 16th 2020, to kidney failure. We have been heartbroken ever since. 💔 “
Rebecca Everett Woodland Hills, Utah
In Honor of all the Kerry Blues I have loved!
In Honor of all the Kerry Blues I have owned …
Kerry Blue Terrier, age 14.
“I give this gift in honor of all the Kerry Blues I have loved.” Barbara U
We are honored to share the love of all KBT owners in memory of their Kerry Blue Terrier. As stated, all members of the Foundation donate their time and love to doing their jobs. No one is paid. ALL donations are used by the foundation for rescue, medical care, transportation, and rehoming or caring for them if they cannot be rehomed. Kerry Blue Terriers are very intelligent and very protective of their families. They would give their life to defend and protect those families.
We will make sure you get a receipt for donations given by Miss Georgia, our treasurer. We are feeling blessed by your love for our furry babies!
In Memory of Busta Blue Prince of Prussia
In Memory of Busta Blue Prince of Prussia.
In Memory of Busta Blue Prince of Prussia.
For the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation
“In memory of Busta Blue Prince of Prussia ” Africia H.
A generous direct donation just for the rescue. We sincerely appreciate your love and gift.
Thank you Africia H.
Only one more day left in 2020. We really depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. The foundation is run through donations each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
2021 - a day away!
Donating to the Rescue...
The Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation to the Rescue...
A donation for the Foundation - Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation.
For the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation
“Honoring all the work and commitment of the Kerry Rescue. ” Bev M.
A direct donation just for the rescue. We sincerely appreciate your love and gift. Thank you Bev.
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year 2021
Achilles Burnett
My Mom loves her Achilles Burnett...
Achilles Burnett was rescued from Alaska and lives with his mom Maryellen B.
“Achilles Burnett”
“Honoring Maryellen Burnett's Dog” Jeanine H.
So thankful for all these WONDERFUL DONATIONS!!! Thank you Jeanine H! I only wish I had a photo of Achillies. Kerries are in our hearts and love and woven in there for life!
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year 2021
I love my MOM and she loves her Kerries!!
I love my Mom and she loves me...
Love my Mom and her Kerry Blue Terriers!
Love you Mom! “Chris W.”
“I am donating to the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation for my Mom and her Kerries.” Katrina W.
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year 2021
I love my Lily!
Lily is none years old ... I can't imagine life without her!
Love my Lily… she is 9 years old!
“This is in honor of my Kerry Blue Terrier, Lily. I have owned her 9 years. .” Paula A. from Hawaii.
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year 2021
We Love Kerry Blues!
We do not have a Kerry Blue Terrier currently, but ...
In Memory of all of our Kerry Blues
“We do not have a Kerry Blue Terrier currently, but we had a few Kerry Blue Terriers in the past, and we loved them so much.” Richard S.
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year 2021
In Memory of Abby at Christmas
Our darling rescue, Abby, from your group has been gone many years...
In Memory of Abby
“Our darling rescue, Abby, from your group has been gone many years now. Miss her so much. Will always love Kerrys and at Christmas, remember the joy she brought.”
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year 2021
In Honor of Kallie Mae
Our Kerry Blue babies are woven tightly into our families, homes and our hearts
Kallie Mae
Kallie Mae
Our Kerry Blue babies are woven tightly into our families, homes and our hearts. From their distinctive bark to alert us, to “argh argh argh” speech letting us know they are talking .. are we listening, to the sweet snuggles they scoot in and give us… our Kerry Blues are not just part of our lives, our homes and our hearts, they with us forever.
Right now we are closing up 2020 with quite a large number of rescues this year. We depend on and appreciate your support to get us prepared for 2021 through your donations. We run the foundation from them each year. Our volunteers are constantly busy in the background donating their time.
Happy New Year ahead to 2021.
In Memoriam of LITO
In memoriam, LITO The Charme of Vienna (Bhelliom Kennel)
LITO The Charme of Vienna (Bhelliom Kennel)
13/4/2005 – 16/11/2020
Ventsislav Petrov
Brussels, BELGIUM
Celebrating Clyde - A Tribute with Kathy and John Fehrn
Clyde was a scrawny 9 month old Kerry Blue Terrier pup with a tail docked too short and chronic …
Kerries Helping Kerries with Clyde and Kathy and John Fehrn
14 July 2020
Clyde came to us as a result of the Shelbina Rescue in March of 2006. He was #126.
Clyde was a scrawny 9 month old Kerry Blue Terrier pup with a tail docked too short and chronic dry eye from the filthy, abusive conditions at the puppy mill. He soon adjusted to family life always with his female Kerries, Bonnie and now Mattie, by his side.
He lived a long, happy life filled with love, devotion and many adventures; always full of gratitude for having a forever home. We are so blessed to have had Clyde in our lives. We miss him. Thank you, Kerry Blue Foundation, for the work you do for these wonderful dogs.
Kathy and John Fehrn
Pace's Padraig of Eidenbock aka Paddy
Born in Feb of 2005, Paddy, aka the son of Eidenbock Commander and Chief GW from Helen Eidenbock, arrived in
Paddy at age 13 in the spring. We lost him almost a year later.
Born in Feb of 2005, Paddy, aka the son of Eidenbock Commander and Chief GW from Helen Eidenbock, arrived in Dallas as a wee pup of 4 months . He was a rascal as he arrived, always challenging us and the world around us. He was PURE PADDY … PURE TERRIER. His Aunt aka Annie 1 , which we rescued (by blood) was a four year old from Helen as well. Annie did not let up on him as a small puppy, she was the ruler of the house …and remained so as he grew to be her ‘counter male A’. We had purchased Paddy to be a show dog. We had Kerry Blues mostly over the years. He was asked to leave Puppy Training at Petsmart and we should have known then, he was a fighter.
Paddy was NOT a show dog. He was handsome as a male Kerry could be, but he weighed in at 65 pounds and was about 5 inches taller than all the other Kerry Blues. At age 2 they told us there was no hope for him to be shown for any reason. This was probably something wise because he was a ‘fighter’ and eager for confrontation with any other animal in the animal kingdom… feral cats, raccoons, snakes, other dogs and cats, squirrels and bob cats…. oh and the elusive fox. The Raccoon looked pretty shocked wrapped around Paddys head like a beard hanging down. He never came in the yard ever again.
We were encouraged to put him down as aggressive as he was with other animals. But he never had issues with children or adults. By age two, we loved him too much to even consider it, and although it put us open for problems if he ever escaped our yard (which did happen)… we were just slightly behind him running or in a vehicle. We kept him close and safe all of his life. And we loved him passionately. He was loyal, loving, intelligent and incredibly funny at times. He was our protector always. When unannounced people came to the door, he stood up growling and barking looking over 6 ft tall through the glass.
He smiled all the time as you can see by the photo above… and he loved us back as fiercely as we loved him. Helen Eiden thank you for our oversized Kerry with the huge heart. He was a ‘see-er’ as I walked morning and night with him, together we would watch the sun rise and the sun set every night. He was my best friend. He is missed sorely. He was my first dog, and a wonderful Kerry Blue.
Miss you Paddy Dog. And so do all the grandchildren and so does your Mama (Laurie) and your human brothers and sisters, Stacey, Morgan and Justin.
Terry Pace
Ashley, Princess of Pillows
Ashley, Princess of Pillows, was almost 12 years old when she left us.
Ashley, Princess of Pillows, was almost 12 years old when she left us. She was called Princess of Pillows because she never met a pillow she did not like and would want to try out! You are so sorely missed, Ms. Ashley!
Love, Mom and Dad aka Judi and Don
Rosie Tribute Kerry Blue Terrier
In loving memory of our beloved Rosie who made life an adventure …
In loving memory of our beloved Rosie who made life an adventure from the first day she became a part our family until the day she said farewell to this
world. We miss you very much.
All our love, Your brother, Tucker, and your mothers, Jennifer & Barbara
Nuxie Joe Tribute
You were the best…
Nuxie Joe Kerry Blue Terrier
You were the best and you loved to play the piano, dance in a tutu, and sneak on the couch! Love you! – Lezlie Dec 12, 2019
In Memory of Ella Bradford
Donated in memory of Ella Bradford, in the hopes …
Donated in memory of Ella Bradford, in the hopes that another Kerry Blue can find a home as warm and loving as Ella enjoyed and that another family can find the same joy she brought into our lives. – Jordan
George Moad, a beloved Member of our Kerry Family.
On October 31, 2019 the Kerry community lost a special member George Moad.
George Moad
A Tribute to George Moad, a beloved member of our Kerry Blue Terrier family
November 11, 2019
(written by Jann McQuay)
On October 31, 2019 the Kerry community lost a special member George Moad. Losing George leaves a big hole in our Kerry Blue terrier world and in our hearts.
George Moad was a kind-hearted and true gentleman who was first introduced to Kerry Blue Terriers when he met and married Louise Lang and her Kerry, Kelly, who was the guest of honour and flower girl at their wedding.
This began a life of yearly road trips to take part in dog shows from Ontario to Montgomery, Pittsburg and Ohio where he was always a loyal fan while Louise and Kerry competed.
For several years he was a Board member of the Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Canada and was especially involved in facilitating Kerry rescues.
He welcomed his roll as host and BBQ king at KBTCC annual meetings, picnics and social events. Some will remember the year Katie scoffed all the sizzling bacon when opportunity knocked!
July meant hauling beautiful, but heavy trophies out of storage, transporting them and setting up the trophy table at the specialty show, then back to storing them for another year.
George was devoted to and loved by many Kerries – Kelly, Bonnie & Clyde, Kate, Maggie, Dandy, Angel and Betty, most of whom passed away in his arms.
Many organizations were the beneficiary of George’s wonderful generousity and volunteer time, always willing to help out, pitch in and to make a difference for someone.
Lunches out with friends and dinner invitations were good times for George who lived life to the fullest. He will be remembered for his delight in delicious desserts; the richer, the better!
In these last few years telling great, long entertaining stories was easier than listening, as George was severely deaf (and usually forgot his hearing aids!)
Please remember him kindly in your own special way. He will be interred at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto with the ashes of his beloved Kerries and leaves Louise and ‘Betty Boop’ to Kerry on.
Rest peacefully, dear George.