New Places to find the Kerry Blues!

Instagram with the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation

Amazing Volunteers and Website Changes and Additions

I am not sure if you have even been to the new website. Please come visit and look around. We are working to add to and improve pages with out overwhelming you. If you are a current member or even a visitor… you only have to look at the front page to have a full taste of new articles, adoptions, Instagram and Facebook. There is ZERO cost to be a member of the foundation.

KerriesHelpingKerries New Facebook Foundation Page

KBTF Instagram

A call out to the Kerry Den and we had several people volunteer for our Instagram Page and happy to say four or five are working at it! We are able to use their beautiful Kerries throughout our Foundation Website.

  1. THANK YOU to Barbar Berg Ungar, Lauren Erland, Kristina Kinet, Anita Schiller Terry and Elizabeth Demetriades. These wonderful Kerry Lovers have our INSTAGRAM going strong. You can find us @KerryBlueTerrierFoundation If you want to join the posting group, just email us. Please notice our beautiful pictures throughout the website. They are thanks to some of these instagram posts!

  2. Our New Facebook Foundation Page Thanks to help from George Hanna, we have this page going strong. As our helpers on Instagram post their Kerry Blues, their images slide right onto our Foundation Facebook page! We are working this together growing the strength of the foundation one Kerry at a time!

  3. FRONT PAGE… the front page has almost everything in a nutshell that can be accessed on your phone except filling out the adoption application. That is done only on the Adopt page. On the front page you can connect with everything on the website just scrolling through the photos. Everything changes as Instagram gets new photos, or new blogs get articles! Stay in touch and check in.

  4. Donations… On the Donation page, you now have so many options. Donation Page has a direct donation to the foundation and the choice to do a subscription monthly. Not a bad idea to do $10 a month or $25 a month and you can cancel it at any time. You can also Write a Tribute for your Kerry Blue and we will share your personal story and please submit a photo. Read the Beautiful Tributes of our Kerries that have crossed the Rainbow bridge.

  5. Shop with us. When you want a special Kerry item…Shop our Store. New Items will be added early next week so make sure you come back to see some of the new things. (Right Now it is just Leashes and collars and note cards… wait till you see the new shopping bags, coffee mugs and t-shirts.)

  6. When you shop Amazon donation money can come to the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation. Just register with Amazon Smile , select the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation to support and use it to shop from now on. As you purchase, the foundation gets a slice of your spending to use!

As our blogs fill up and information is collected our new site will be full and smiling like the old one! This is here for all of you that own or love Kerry Blues. Let me know if we can help you with anything!

Looking forward to fall!

Laurie Pace

Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation
