Valerie was Adopted through the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation
Filled out the forms to adopt…
You have finally completed the extension adoption application with its many many many questions, submitted it to the Foundation, and are now starting to get your home ready for your new rescue Kerry Blue terrier while waiting for your own personal rescue coordinator to tell you when and where you will get your new family member.
The rescue coordinator contacts you, asks a lot more questions, arranges a home visit, maybe even bringing a Kerry Blue of their own to the visit, and all looks good. All is ready: so, where is my rescue Kerry?
Unfortunately (although it is probably “fortunately” ....) finding the right match of a rescue Kerry and your home may take some time, even many months. But more important than that is the fact that there are not always rescue Kerries in the program just waiting to be given a new loving forever home. Rescue work is sort a “feast or famine” program: “feast” would be when there has been a large puppy mill shut down or a multi-Kerry owner needs to change their living situation unexpectedly and suddenly the KBTF finds itself with many Kerries to rehome as we did in summer Y2018. However, most of the time we are in a “semi-famine” situation: no Kerries available or the ones we do have require incredibly special homes because of specific behavioral issues unique to that Kerry. These Kerries may be retraining programs for those behaviors and are not ready to even go to the most understanding of new homes.
For example, Y2018 we found homes for 18 dogs, nine of which came into the program at the exact same time. In Y2019 we sent 10 Kerries to new forever homes while this year, more than halfway through the year we have only had and placed 6 Kerries! Do not despair: because you have your adoption application evaluated and approved, you will be considered for the next Kerry that comes into the rescue program that might be a good match for you and your family. When a new rescue comes in, the rescue team always goes to their files of approved adopters as the first step to a new home for the Kerry. Because you have your application in and ready to go, you will be among the first to be considered. Do not give up! Your home could yet be a haven for a rescue Kerry who needs lots of love and maybe a few new toys! Don’t have an adoption application in the que? Visit to our website in the Adopt section and you will find an online version of the application as well as a pdf one that can be printed off, completed manually, and mailed to the KBTF office. Do it now and you could be ready when the next time a Kerry needs a new life, a new home, and so much love!
Judi Young
Gathering information on the Process for Adopting a Kerry Blue Terrier